Notes on Glazing

Glazing FS SQ 2500 Q5.jpg

Notes on Glazing

October 12, 2022

The bisque-fired clay forms are initially flooded inside and out with a single liquid glaze via a combination of dipping and pouring. For larger forms, I accomplish this first step by using an electric hoist to dunk the forms in and out of a vat of glaze, or I place the form on a grate over a reclaiming tank, surround it with a containing fence, and then pour all over it until it’s permeated with glaze. Additional glazes are applied selectively via brushing, pouring, spraying, squirting, splashing and sloshing.

The interior surfaces of recent works typically are coated with roughly thirty to forty highly fluid glazes that are selectively applied and layered in the studio, and that run, mingle, and react with one another during firing.

Exterior surfaces of recent works typically are coated with roughly sixty to eighty glazes and slips that are selectively applied and layered, and abraded both before and after firing.